Saturday, April 5, 2008

Should any monk and nun continue to live in a worldly life??

Well... I have been asking this questions for a very long time, without getting an acceptable answer. Maybe my readers here can give some comment :)

Here, there are two (2) groups of monk, one live in the worldly life...

while the other live in poverty, renouncing the world...

Here's the full article: Rich Monk vs Poor Monk

Should any monk & nun who have renounced the world, continue to enjoy the worldly life? Please vote at the poll (top right).. Thanks :)


Anonymous said...

Are they the wise one? What do you think?

Chiao Woei said...

I have read somewhere that each party is here to supplement each other in that, the monk is here to teach us the dharma and the sangha is here to provide support the monks and nuns by providing them with the basic five (5) types of dana ( i am still trying to find out the exact types of dana as was voice out by the buddha, i will post it when i find it ). I also recalled some wise chap mentioned that we should help them in their quest of leaving the homelife by not attracting them with too much worldly attractions. Personally, i think persons that have just left the homelife should not be shower with too much respect otherwise, it will be their downfall.

Chiao Woei said...

In my last post, i mentioned that there are five (5) basic requisites for a bhikkhu, sorry for i made a mistakes, it should be four (4) and they are i. robes, ii alms, iii. lodging and iv. medicine

Sadhu sadhu brothers and sisters