Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dhamma Speaker: Uncle Vijaya

Dhamma Talk
What is the Buddha(Dhamma Talk in Brickfield, Malaysia)
It is not who is the Buddha but what is the Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama may have died 2500 years ago, but the Buddha continue to live in everyone on us. So, what is the Buddha? To know the answer, download the files below:
What is the Buddha 1.mp3
What is the Buddha 2.mp3

What is the Buddha 3.mp3
What is the Buddha 4.mp3

Mr Vijaya Samarawickrama is a very inspiring and respected Buddhist teacher that has inspired many through the lens of Buddhism by his noble actions in expounding the dhamma. He graduated as a specialist in the Teaching of English as a Second Language from the Malayan Teachers' Training College in Liverpool, England and later on a B.A.(Hons) in English and Linguistics from the University of Malaya and an M.A.(Drama and Theater) Familiarly known as Uncle Vijaya, he is not only a dedicated teacher but a talented writer that has assisted the late Chief, Most Ven K Sri Dhammananda with his numerous publications. He travels around the world to share the gift of dhamma by delivering talks and organizing workshops and seminars in schools, colleges, universities and Buddhist organizations.

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